Management Vision

The spirituality of the Catholic Medical Center is to take care of those suffering from diseases by embodying Jesus Christ as a healer in us. In order to realize this spirituality, we constantly endeavor to cultivate medical personnel with an inspirational sense of duty, to study and develop medical science, and to provide loving medical services.


Premier medical care founded in respect for life CMC VISION 2020
  • Express the spirit of the Catholic Church on the dignity and life of human.
  • Realize a global Catholic medical brand by establishing a medical network with Catholic medical institutions around the world.
  • Provide the best medical services that create mutual linkage and synergy among hospitals, universities, research institutes and related companies as medical care of the knowledge industry.

Management Vision of Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital

Management Vision of Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital
전통과 최고의 병원으로 재도약
우리는 함께 돌봅니다
  1. 현업 시스템 구축
    • One Hospital System 최적화
    • 의료 질 향상 관리
    • 특성화센터 강화
전통과 최고의 병원으로 재도약
우리는 함께 돌봅니다
  1. 상호존중 실천
    • 고객중심문화 구축
    • 원활한 소통
    • 신앙의 실천
전통과 최고의 병원으로 재도약
우리는 함께 돌봅니다
  1. 재성장 동력 마련
    • 경영활동 향상
    • 이념구현사업의 성공적 진행
    • 교직원 역량 강화