Doctor’s Round Time
AM PM 7:00 ~ 10:00 17:00 ~ 18:00 Doctor’s Round Time may vary depending on the department characteristics. Please contact the nurse's office for more information.
Meal Time
Breakfast Lunch Dinner 7:00 ~ 8:00 12:30 ~ 13:00 18:00 ~ 18:30 - If you want meals for a guardian, please make a request to the nurse's office. (All meals are at your own expense.)
- If you want to have special foods (Western food, Korean food) considering your personal preferences, please contact the nurse's office of the ward. (All meals are at your own expense.)
- For drinking water, please use the water purifier in front of the nurse's office of each ward.
- Please note that carrying outside is prohibited.
- The nutrition team at Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital has prepared various menus to enhance patient's nutrition as follows.
Elective meal Beverage Main meal 4 side dishes, excellent food menu Milk, soybean milk, yakult Boiled rice, boiled barley How to Call a Nurse in case of Emergency
- Hospital room: In case of emergency, press the emergency bell located on the bed head side to call a nurse.
- Restroom: Press the emergency pager or pull the line.
How to Use Phones
Each hospital room has a direct telephone line that can be used inside the hospital. If you want to make an outside call, please use a public or private telephone.
However, if you are in a single or double room, you can make outside calls.
Going Out
Be sure to inform a nurse you have the doctor’s permission and fill out an "application form for going out", confirm it with the hospital administration on the first floor, pay the medical expenses at a payment window (No. 13 & 14) on the 2nd floor, and then go out.
- Please put the used laundry in the washing bucket at the end of corridor.
- For personal laundry, please use B2. (Drying is possible)
- Usage fee: 1,000 won per usage (two 500 won coins)
Application for Issuance of a Medical Certificate
- If you need a medical certificate during hospitalization, apply for it to the nurse's office at the corresponding ward during the hospitalization period (2 ~ 3 days before your discharge) and will receive it at the window No. 34 on the 2nd floor.
- Please keep in mind that issuance of certificates may be delayed depending on the type.
Application for Moving out of the Hospital Room
If you want to request moving out of your hospital room, please contact the nurse's office at the corresponding ward.
Please use and keep facilities clean for rapid recovery and infection prevention.
- It is located in front of the nurse's office of a ward (behind the central elevator).
- A microwave oven is used for heating, please use a dedicated bowl for a microwave and observe the usage rules.
Garbage Handling Room
- It is next to the nurse's office of each ward.
- Please cooperate to maintain cleanliness.
Water Purifier
- It is in front of nurse's office (west ward) or kitchen (east ward).
Day Room
- The coffee and beverage vending machines are installed in the day room.
- You can watch TV from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. Please keep the TV volume low for medical treatment and calming other patients.
Public Restroom
- Public restrooms are located near the corridor for each ward.
우리의 손은 항상 무엇인가를 만지거나 만들고 있기 때문에 각종 병원균에 많이 노출됩니다.
이러한 세균들은 손을 통하여 자기 자신뿐만 아니라 타인이나 주변환경으로 전파되며 이로 인해 질병이 발생하기도 합니다.
손을 통한 병원균의 전파를 차단하기 위하여 손 위생을 가장 효과적이며 중요한 방법입니다.알코올젤을 이용한 손위생 손에 오염물이 묻지 않은 경우 시행방법 물과 비누를 이용한 손위생 손에 오염물이 묻은 경우 시행방법 1a. 1b. 알코올젤을 손바닥에 적당량을 덜어 손 전체에 바른다. 0. 1. 손을 적시고 비누를 손바닥에 적당량 덜어 손 전체에 바른다. 2. 손바닥끼리 마찰하여 문지른다. 3. 손바닥으로 다른 손의 손등을 문지른다. 4. 손가락을 깍지끼고 손바닥을 문지른다. 5. 손을 맞잡고 손가락 뒷면을 손바닥에 문지른다. 6. 엄지를 감아쥐고 회전하듯 문지른다. 7. 손가락 끝으로 다른 손바닥을 문지른다. 20 ~ 30초 경과 후 8. 물로 헹군다. 9. 종이타올로 손을 닦는다. 10. 종이타올로 수도꼭지를 잠근다. 40 ~ 60초 경과 후 8. 손이 건조되며 당신의 손은 깨끗해 집니다. 11. 손이 건조되며 당신의 손은 깨끗해 집니다. -
인플루엔자(독감) 유행시기와 발열과 호흡기 증상 있을 경우 환자 방문 및 간병을 가급적 제한하고, 불가피한 경우 반드시 마스크를 착용해야 합니다.
기침이나 재채기와 같은 호흡기 증상이 있을 때에는 아래와 같이 기침 예절을 준수합니다.호흡기 증상이 있는 사람은 균전파를 예방하기 위해 아래 지침을 준수합니다. 기침할 때는 입과 코를 가려주세요!기침 재채기시 휴지로 입과 코를 가려주세요.
휴지가 없을 때는 손이 아닌 옷소매로 가리세요.
기침이 계속 나오면 마스크를 착용 하세요.
기침이나 재채기 후 물과 비누 또는 알코올젤로 손을 깨긋이 닦아 주세요.
가톨릭대학교 여의도 성모병원
Precautions in a Ward
- We are doing our best to guarantee the rights of the patients.
- It is prohibited to interfere with the medical treatment of medical staff, to verbally abuse and assault them, to make disturbances in your hospital room, and we may take a legal action.
- In case of any safety accident, please inform the nurse's office in charge of the ward or the Safety Management Office (3779-1212).
Be Careful about Robberies
- Please keep your valuables in your house and do not bring them to your hospital room.
- Please lock the door when you vacate it.
- If you vacate your hospital room, please inform the nurse's office of the ward about your destination.
- The hospital is not responsible for losses caused by carelessness.
Fire Prevention
- In all hospital rooms, using gas and electric heating devices is prohibited.
- There is a fire extinguisher under the washstand of the hospital room.
- In case of a fire, please follow the staff's instructions; move calmly and quickly.
No Smoking
The entire hospital is a non-smoking area. Please be sure to not to smoke in order to maintain and restore the patients’ health.
Fall Prevention
Since there is a risk of falling from your bed, please keep the auxiliary railing beside the bed up at all times.
Guardian Bed
Please use the guardian bed only at night when sleeping. Use a chair in the daytime.
For the physical and mental stability of patients, please refrain from watching TV after 10 pm and turn the lights off.